Experienced Vancouver Dog Bite Lawyers

Vancouver Dog Bite Lawyer

Find out why we have some of the best dog bite lawyers in Vancouver

Have You or a Loved One Recently Been the Victim of a Dog Bite in Vancouver, Washington?

If so, you need to know about the Washington dog bite injury lawyers Goldberg & Loren. Our experienced team of lawyers specializes in dog bite cases and we have helped numerous individuals like yourself receive fair settlements for their dog bite injuries. Let us take the burden off your shoulders and ensure that you receive the justice you deserve.

Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation.

Washington Dog Bite Injury Law

Under Washington law, a dog owner can be held strictly liable for injuries caused by their pet. This means that the owner can be held responsible for the dog’s behavior regardless of whether they were aware of the animal’s aggressive tendencies. 

In states with a one-bite rule, the dog owner may only be held liable for damages if it can be proven that the owner knew or should have known about the dog’s dangerous propensities based on a prior bite or aggressive behavior. The victim typically needs to show that the owner was negligent in allowing the dog to harm someone.

In some jurisdictions, dog bite cases are governed by general negligence principles. This means that the victim must demonstrate that the dog owner breached a duty of care, such as by failing to leash or control their dog properly, and that this breach directly resulted in the dog bite injury.

Washington Dog Bite Injury Law

Common Injuries in Dog Attacks

Dog bite injuries can result in a range of physical and emotional damages, often requiring medical treatment. Here are a few examples:

Approximately 4.5 million dog bites occur each year in the United States. Nearly 1 out of 5 bites become infected. [1]

Collecting Damages from a Dog Bite

Individuals who have suffered dog bite injuries have the right to seek compensation for the damages they have incurred. Here are some examples of compensation:

Home insurance providers spent an estimated $1.136 billion on dog-related claims in 2022. [2]

Collecting Damages from a Dog Bite

Dog Bite Lawyer Goldberg & Loren

With the expertise and experience of our Vancouver personal injury lawyers, we:

Have you recently experienced a dog bite injury that has left you in pain and suffering?

Contact Goldberg & Loren today for a free consultation and let us help you navigate the complexities of Washington dog bite injury law. Don’t wait, take action now and get the justice you deserve.


[1] Quick Statistics – DogsBite.org. (n.d.). DogsBite.org – Some Dogs Don’t Let Go. https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-quick-statistics.php

[2]Bieber, C. (2023, October 2). Dog Attack Statistics By Breed 2023. Forbes Advisor. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/

Goldberg & Loren

Vancouver, Washington

Phone: (564) 214-8468

George Goldberg

We fight hard for our clients who have been bitten by a dog in Vancouver, Washington. Our personal injury lawyers fight for maximum compensation.

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