Experienced Foster Care Abuse Attorneys in Just One Call

Foster Care Abuse Lawyers

We are one of the best foster care abuse injury law firms

James Loren & George Goldberg

Oregon Foster Care Abuse Lawyers

You Have a Place to Turn for Real Answers From Experienced Attorneys

Goldberg & Loren’s Portland foster care abuse lawyers serve the entire state of Oregon by providing legal representation for those who have been victims of foster care abuse.

We know the tremendous emotional and physical trauma that is endured by those who have been abused while in foster care, and we strive to provide personalized legal representation designed to help you find closure.

Our goal is to help you get the compensation and justice that you deserve.

Call Goldberg & Loren today at (971) 339-8080 for a free consultation.

You Have a Place to Turn for Real Answers From Experienced Attorneys

How Does Foster Care Abuse Happen?

Foster care abuse can take many forms, including physical, sexual, or psychological abuse. There are also cases of neglect, where the foster parents fail to provide adequate care and protection for their charges. Victims of abuse must know they have rights and can seek justice through legal action.

Most vulnerable children are typically those in foster care who have been placed with parents or guardians who fail to provide proper supervision or otherwise fail to protect them from harm. It is important that victims of abuse feel empowered to report their experiences and seek help.

Types of Foster Care Child Abuse Cases We Handle

There are several types of cases that our attorneys handle.

These include:

We also handle cases involving financial exploitation, such as when foster parents take advantage of a childā€™s trust and siphon off money for personal gain.

Sexual Abuse in Foster Care

In Oregon, there have been multiple cases of sexual abuse that have gone unreported in foster care. When the perpetrators are adults, they may go unpunished due to the vulnerability of their victims.

Symptoms of child sexual abuse can include fear of being with certain people, anxiety, depression, flashbacks, and difficulty sleeping. Regardless of the circumstances or how long ago the abuse may have occurred, victims need to know that help is available.

Physical Abuse in Foster Care

Physical abuse in foster care can include anything from slapping to more serious forms of violence. Unfortunately, physical abuse is often overlooked and unreported due to the shame associated with it. Symptoms and signs of child abuse include bruising, broken bones, burns, refusal to go to school or social events, and changes in behavior.

Neglect in Foster Care

While this is one of the least common forms of abuse, yes, neglect occurs in foster care. Neglect can take many forms from not providing adequate nutrition to not providing appropriate medical care or supervision. The signs of neglect can include poor hygiene, lack of clothing, and malnutrition.

Oregon's History of Foster Care Abuse

Oregon has a long history of foster care abuse, with reports dating back to the 1950s. In recent years, several cases have come to light that shed light on the issues children in foster care face.

These cases demonstrate why it is important for victims of abuse to understand their rights and contact an Oregon foster care abuse lawyer as soon as possible.

In 2020 alone, Oregon was rocked by several stories of abuse in foster care, including reports of a foster father who molested and exploited multiple children over more than 20 years. In other cases, parents were accused of physical or psychological abuse against their charges.

What Can An Oregon Foster Care Abuse Lawyer Do?

A foster care abuse attorney in Oregon can help you understand your legal rights and options. They will provide the advice and support you need to navigate the complicated process of pursuing a claim.

The attorneys at our firm understand the emotional toll that dealing with such cases can take on victims, so they are committed to providing compassionate service and helping you pursue a favorable outcome.

If your child has suffered abuse while in the Oregon foster care system, an attorney from our firm can provide the legal representation and advice needed to protect your rights.

Our attorneys are committed to fighting for justice on behalf of victims of abuse and ensuring that those responsible are held accountable for their actions.

What Can An Oregon Foster Care Abuse Lawyer Do?

What Types of Damages Can a Foster Care Child or Adult Claim or Sue For?

Victims of abuse in the foster care system can pursue a variety of damages, including compensation for:

Our attorneys understand the complexities involved in pursuing such cases and are dedicated to helping victims seek justice and achieve positive outcomes.

We will fight fiercely to make sure your rights are protected and that you are compensated for pain, suffering, and any other losses incurred as a result of the abuse.

Economic Damages vs Non-Economic Damages in Foster Care Abuse Cases

In a foster care abuse case, victims may be eligible for both economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages are typically awarded in cases where the victim can demonstrate actual monetary losses. These could include medical expenses or lost wages due to time away from work.

Non-economic damages, on the other hand, are typically awarded to compensate for intangible losses, such as pain and suffering or emotional distress.

Our attorneys can help you understand the types of damages that may be available in your case and help you pursue them.

There can also be a punitive damage award, where the court imposes a penalty on the defendant to punish them for their actions.

Who Pays in a Foster Care Child Abuse Claim?

The foster care parents must carry an insurance policy to cover damages in the event of abuse. The damages are typically paid out by the insurance provider, but sometimes, the foster parents themselves may be held liable for paying out some or all of the damages.

In extreme cases where the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) may be liable, you may be able to pursue damages from the state, county, or municipality responsible for the abuse.

Our attorneys can help you understand who is liable in your case and what steps need to be taken to seek justice.

What Should I Do if I am the Victim of Foster Care Abuse?

If you are currently experiencing foster care abuse in Oregon, it is important to speak with an attorney from our firm as soon as possible. We can help you understand your rights and the legal options available to you.

We can help with the following right away:

What Should I Do if I am the Victim of Foster Care Abuse?

Donā€™t hesitate to contact us if you believe you or your child has been the victim of abuse in Oregonā€™s foster care system.

Oregon Statute of Limitations in Foster Care Abuse Cases

A Statute of Limitations will apply to your case. This means that you only have a certain amount of time to file a claim or lawsuit, so it is essential to speak with an attorney as soon as possible. The time limit may vary due to the type of abuse.Ā 

A foster care abuse case will usually need to be filed before the victim turns 30, or within 12 years of when the abuse was reported to law enforcement or DHS. (ORS 131.125)Ā 

If you have questions, our attorneys can help you understand the applicable Statute of Limitations and determine whether any exceptions to the time limit may apply to your case.Ā Ā 

If You See Something! Say Something!

Foster care abuse victims are often too scared or ashamed to speak up. We understand how difficult it can be to come forward, but there are resources available.

You donā€™t have to face this alone ā€“ help is out there.

If you suspect, have seen, or are aware of a child or an adult being abused in the foster care system, we want to know about it.

Contact Our Foster Care Abuse Attorneys

If you or a child in your care has been the victim of foster care abuse in Oregon, our attorneys can help. Our experienced legal team is committed to providing compassionate representation and is dedicated to helping victims seek justice and achieve positive outcomes.

We will fight fiercely to make sure your rights are protected and that you are compensated for pain, suffering, and any other losses you may have endured.

We can provide the legal representation and advice needed to pursue a favorable outcome for your case.

Don’t hesitate, to contact us today and let us help you take the next step in the legal process.

Let us work to get you the justice and compensation you deserve.

Call us today at 971-339-8080 for a free consultation.

Goldberg & Loren Personal Injury Attorneys

6500 S Macadam Ave #380
Portland, OR 97239
(971) 339-8080

James Loren

Any form of child abuse is horrific. But when that abuse stems from foster care then we can hold them accountable. Whether you are a child in foster care, an adult calling on behalf of that child, or an Adult who experienced foster care. Call us today.

Need Help? Contact Us

We Represent Adult-Children of Foster Care Abuse in the Following Cities and Communities Near Portland, Oregon.

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