Experienced Motorcycle Accident Attorneys in Just One Call

Gresham Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Find out why we have some of the best Gresham auto accident lawyers

Motorcycles are generally at a higher risk of accidents compared to other vehicles. There were 5,932 motorcyclists killed in the U.S., accounting for 14% of all traffic fatalities in 2021. According to NHTSA data, this marks the highest number of motorcyclist deaths since 1975, resulting in a 28 times higher fatality rate than that for occupants of other types of vehicles. [1]

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, Goldberg & Loren can provide invaluable legal support. Our experienced motorcycle accident lawyers advocate for our clients’ rights and ensure they receive justice and fair compensation. Book a free consultation today!

Types of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents can occur in various ways, each presenting challenges and risks. By being informed about the common types of motorcycle accidents, everyone can work towards creating a safer environment for all road users.

  • Blind spot accidents occur when a driver’s limited visibility prevents them from seeing objects or vehicles in their blind spots. It can result in a collision when changing lanes or making a turn, as the driver may not be aware of the presence of another vehicle in their blind spot.
  • Lane-splitting accidents happen when a motorcycle rides between lanes of slow or stopped traffic, often resulting in accidents due to the driver’s lack of awareness or unexpected lane changes.
  • Rear-end collisions refer to instances when a vehicle strikes the back of a motorcycle due to the driver’s failure to maintain a safe following distance. Motorcyclists can mitigate this risk by utilizing brake lights, wearing bright gear, and regularly monitoring their mirrors.
  • Intersection accidents are especially hazardous for motorcyclists, given that other drivers may overlook or misjudge a motorcycle’s speed and distance. Motorcyclists should make themselves visible, anticipate potential risks, and cautiously proceed through intersections.
  • T-bone collisions occur when a vehicle crashes into the side of a motorcycle, typically at intersections. Motorcyclists need to be vigilant when entering intersections, look for turning vehicles, and be prepared to react swiftly to avoid a collision.
  • Road hazards, including potholes, uneven pavement, and debris, can cause motorcyclists to lose control and crash. Riders should constantly scan the road ahead, maintain a safe distance from other vehicles, and be prepared to navigate around potential obstacles.
  • Sideswipe accidents occur when a vehicle hits the side of a motorcycle, often due to a driver failing to check blind spots, distracted driving, or trying to change lanes without noticing the motorcycle’s presence.
  • Motorists turning left in front of motorcycles can cause accidents due to failure to properly judge the speed of the approaching bike or misjudging its distance, leading to potentially dangerous intersection collisions.
  • Speed-related accidents often result from excessive speed of motorcyclists, which reduces the rider’s reaction time and makes it harder to maneuver safely.
  • Single-vehicle accidents occur when a motorcycle crashes without involving another vehicle, often due to pavement hazards, mechanical failures, or rider error.
Types of Motorcycle Accidents

Common Injuries Resulting from Motorcycle Accidents

When a motorcycle accident occurs, the resulting injuries can be severe and life-altering for riders. From road rash and bone fractures to spinal trauma or fatal injuries, the physical and emotional impact of these injuries can be significant.

Understanding the types and consequences of motorcycle accident injuries is essential for seeking appropriate medical care and legal representation to address the long-term effects and recovery process.

Following are some of the common types of injuries:

  • Facial injuries
  • Fractures and broken bones
  • Head injuries
  • Internal injuries
  • Limb amputations
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Psychological trauma
  • Road rash
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injury


How We Can Help

Navigating the aftermath of a motorcycle accident in Gresham, Oregon, is complex, but our skilled attorneys at Goldberg & Loren are here to guide you. Here’s how we can assist:

  • Expert Legal Representation: From dealing with insurers to proving liability, we provide expert representation for your legal processes and options.
  • In-depth Knowledge of Oregon Laws: Understanding the nuances of motorcycle accident laws in Oregon, we offer valuable expertise to ensure justice and maximum financial compensation.
  • Evidence Gathering: We gather evidence, including accident scene photos, witness testimonies, and more, to establish liability and seek the compensation you deserve.
  • Court Representation and Negotiation: Whether in court or in negotiation with insurance providers, our experienced personal injury lawyers in Gresham will advocate for your rights.
  • Specialized Knowledge in Comparative Negligence: We navigate the complexities of proving negligence, considering duty of care, breach, causation, and damages in motorcycle crashes.
  • Multi-Vehicle Collision Analysis: In multi-vehicle collisions, we analyze contributing factors, gather evidence, and determine liability for damages.
  • Wrongful Death Claims Assistance: For wrongful death claims, we guide you through legal procedures, help identify responsible parties, and ensure you meet necessary deadlines.
  • Proven Track Record: As the top choice for motorcycle accident representation in Gresham, our track record speaks for itself. We prioritize client well-being and offer dedicated attention to each case.
How We Can Help

Book a free no no-obligation consultation today. Don’t pay anything unless we win!


[1] Motorcycle Safety | NHTSA. (n.d.). NHTSA. https://www.nhtsa.gov/road-safety/motorcycles

Goldberg & Loren

Gresham, Oregon

Phone: (503) 831-9930

George Goldberg

We fight hard for our clients who have been injured in a motorcycle accident in Gresham, Oregon. Our personal injury lawyers fight for maximum compensation.

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