Experienced Appleton Bus Accident Attorney

Appleton Bus Accident Attorney

Find out why we have some of the best Appleton bus accident lawyers

Our experienced Appleton bus accident attorneys have a proven track record of success, and we’re ready to fight for you.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our Appleton bus accident attorneys. We’ll work tirelessly to ensure you receive the representation you deserve.

Were You or a Loved One Recently Involved in a Bus Accident in Appleton?

What is a Bus Accident?

A bus accident is a collision involving a bus, whether it be with another vehicle, a pedestrian, or an object. Bus accidents can range in severity from minor fender benders to catastrophic crashes resulting in death.

A common example of a bus accident is a collision between a school bus and another vehicle on the road. Other examples may include a tour bus losing control on a sharp turn, a public transportation bus rear-ending a car, or a bus colliding with a pedestrian crossing the street.

Potential injuries resulting from bus accidents can include broken bones and other severe injuries. The victims of such accidents often require medical attention and may face extensive medical bills and extended periods of recovery.

Common Type of Bus Accidents in Appleton

Appleton is home to many types of bus accidents, ranging from minor fender benders to catastrophic crashes. Common types of bus accidents in Appleton include:

Common Type of Bus Accidents in Appleton

Bus Accident Statistics in Appleton 

According to statistics, Outagamie County, which includes Appleton, had a total of 30 bus crashes in 2019, resulting in two fatalities and nine injuries. [1]

Bus accidents involving school buses can be particularly severe, as they often involve child passengers who may suffer serious injuries.

In Appleton, school bus drivers have a duty of care to ensure the safety of their young passengers, and reckless driving on their part can lead to devastating consequences.

Bus drivers must follow federal hours of service requirements; these requirements place strict limits on how long a driver can work in a given time period or day before taking a break. [2]

Accidents involving public transportation buses can affect a large number of people at once and may involve complex legal issues, as both the bus company and government entities may be involved in the legal process.

Common Causes of Bus Accidents in Appleton

Bus accidents can be caused by a variety of factors, including driver error, roadway conditions, mechanical issues, and others. In Appleton, the most common causes of bus accidents include:

Common Causes of Bus Accidents in Appleton

What to Do After a Bus Accident in Wisconsin

If you’re involved in a bus accident in Wisconsin, there are crucial steps to take to ensure your safety and protect your rights. Call 911, especially if there are injuries or significant property damage. Exchange information with the other driver, including:

Speak to eyewitnesses and get their contact information as well. Seek medical attention immediately if you or anyone else sustained injuries.

Contact your own car insurance company to report the accident and begin the claim process. Document injuries and all medical treatment to support your claim.

Do not settle with insurance companies too quickly, as they may offer less than what you’re entitled to. Contact us at Goldberg & Loren to assist you with navigating the legal process, negotiating fair financial compensation, and ensuring your rights are protected.

Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in Appleton

Victims of bus accidents in Appleton may be entitled to financial compensation for their injuries and losses; this may cover:

Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in Appleton

The parties liable for the bus crash may include the bus driver, the bus company, government entities, or other drivers involved in the accident.

In order to ensure that you are compensated fairly and adequately for your losses, it is important to work with an experienced attorney who understands the complexities of these cases.

At Goldberg & Loren, our legal team can help bus accident victims in Appleton pursue maximum compensation for their injuries and losses.

We understand the complexities of these cases and are dedicated to fighting for justice on behalf of our clients.

Statute of Limitation for Bus Accidents in Wisconsin

The general time limit for filing a lawsuit in Wisconsin is three years from the date of the accident. [3]

Exceptions exist for injuries that are not immediately apparent, in which case the time limit begins from the date of discovery.

Minors have a longer period for filing injury claims, as the statute of limitations is extended until they reach the age of 18.

Reports against government agencies have a different process as well, as they have a shorter notice period of 120 days from the date of the accident, and the time limit for filing a lawsuit is one year from the date of the accident.

Bus Accidents and Wrongful Death

At Goldberg & Loren, our hearts go out to those who have endured the devastating loss of a loved one in a bus accident resulting in wrongful death. We understand the immense pain, grief, and confusion that families experience during these tragic times.

We are here to provide you with the support and legal guidance you need to navigate the complex legal system. We will tirelessly investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident, identify responsible parties, and fight vigorously to hold them accountable.

Our utmost priority is to secure justice for you and your family while providing a compassionate, empathetic approach that respects and honors the memory of your loved one. You are not alone in this difficult journey, and we are committed to helping you through every step of the process with understanding, care, and unwavering dedication.

Bus Accidents and Wrongful Death

Contact Our Experienced Bus Attorneys Today 

At Goldberg & Loren, our experienced bus accident attorneys are committed to helping victims in Appleton seek the compensation they deserve. Our team of skilled legal professionals will work with you to ensure that your rights and interests are protected throughout the entire process.

Our experienced attorneys bring decades of experience working on behalf of bus accident victims in Appleton and throughout Wisconsin. We understand the complexities of these cases and are dedicated to fighting for justice on behalf of our clients.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a bus accident, call us at (920) 221-7110 or fill out the form for a free consultation.


[1] DOT, W. (n.d.). Wisconsin DMV Official Government Site – Final year-end crash statistics. Wisconsin DMV Official Government Site – Final Year-end Crash Statistics. https://wisconsindot.gov/pages/about-wisdot/newsroom/statistics/final.aspx

[2] Summary of Hours of Service Regulations | FMCSA. (n.d.). Summary of Hours of Service Regulations | FMCSA. https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/regulations/hours-service/summary-hours-service-regulations

[3] Wisconsin Legislature: 893.54. (n.d.). Wisconsin Legislature: 893.54. https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/893/v/54

Goldberg & Loren

47 Park Pl Suite 200B
Appleton, WI 54914
(920) 363-0528

George Goldberg

If you were injured in a bus accident you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Call us today to find out if you have a case!

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