Experienced Maine Personal Injury Attorneys in Just One Call

Portland Maine Personal Injury Attorneys

When You Need One of the Best Portland Maine Personal Injury Attorneys.

James Loren & George Goldberg

Our Portland Personal Injury Law Firm

When You Need One of the Best Portland Personal Injury Lawyers - You Choose Goldberg & Loren

Since 1994, our law firm has been a solid leader in personal injury accidents, recovering over half a billion dollars for our clients. We have a long history in the Portland area and the state of Maine and are recognized by major legal rating organizations as one of the best injury law firms in Portland.

Personal injury cases can be complicated and time-consuming, but that is why you need an experienced attorney who can handle your case with expertise. At Goldberg & Loren, we have a team of experienced attorneys who have the knowledge and ability to get you the compensation you deserve for your injury and any property damage you have suffered.

Our legal team understands that an accident can be life-altering, so we take each case seriously and fight for our clients until we achieve a successful outcome. Our attorneys are well-versed in personal injury law and will provide you with sound legal advice to ensure the best results. We handle cases of all kinds, including auto accidents, slip and fall accidents, wrongful death, and medical malpractice.

What is a Portland Maine Personal Injury?

A Portland Maine personal injury is a type of legal claim in which an individual has been injured due to the careless or negligent actions of another person or entity. Injuries can range from physical injuries such as broken bones, whiplash, and burns to emotional distress. A civil lawsuit is filed in order to obtain financial compensation to cover the involved losses.  

Common personal injury cases in Portland include:


What Types of Injuries are Common in Portland Personal Injury Cases?

Injuries that result from the careless or negligent actions of another person or entity can range widely, depending on the type of accident.

Common injuries sustained in personal injury cases include:

Rear-end Accident Cars vs Truck

Proving Negligence in Your Personal Injury Case

In Portland, ME, an injury victim must prove that their injuries were caused by someone else’s negligence. To do this, the injured party must show that the person or entity responsible for the accident had a duty of care to them and failed to fulfill it.

In order to receive compensation, your attorney will need to gather evidence such as eyewitness testimony, medical records, photographs of the scene of the accident, or the police report.

How Long do I Have to Make a Personal Injury Claim?

In the State of Maine, the statute of limitation on a personal injury claim is six years from the date of the injury. However, there are several exceptions to this rule, and the sooner you take legal action, the better.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident due to someone else’s negligence, contact Goldberg & Loren today. Our experienced Portland, Maine, personal injury lawyers can review your case and help you get the compensation you deserve.

Title 23, §3655: Personal injury actions; limitations; damages

Dealing with Maine Insurance Companies and Your Personal Injury Case

When dealing with insurance companies in Maine, it is important to remember that their primary goal is to keep payouts to a minimum. Therefore, it is important for personal injury victims to be aware of the tactics that insurance companies may use in order to protect their bottom line.

The most common tactic used by insurance companies is to try and settle quickly. They hope that you will be so eager to get a settlement that you will accept a low-ball offer.

Another tactic used by insurance companies is to delay the settlement process in the hopes that you will accept a lower amount than what your claim is worth.

What if I am Partially to Blame for the Accident?

In some cases, an injured party may be partially responsible for their own injuries. In some states, this is known as “comparative negligence”. This means that a percentage of fault will be attributed to the injured party, and the amount of compensation they receive will be adjusted accordingly.

If you have been injured in an accident, it is important to seek legal advice to hold the negligent party accountable. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you understand your rights and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.

At Goldberg & Loren,  our Portland, Maine, experienced attorneys will listen to your story and advise you on the best course of action, inform you of your legal rights, and we have a 30-year track record of success in personal injury lawsuits. We are the personal injury law firm more people trust.

Call us at (207) 977-2838 for a free consultation or fill out the form.

Goldberg & Loren

180 Pool St Suite 105,
Biddeford, ME 04005
(207) 977-2838

George Goldberg

If you have suffered an injury in Portland, Maine due to the negligence of another we want to help.

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