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America's Top rated Auto Accident Lawyers
We are one of the best Auto Accidents law firms in America.
Have You Recently Been in an Auto Accident That Wasn’t Your Fault?
If you’re struggling to deal with the aftermath of an auto accident, Goldberg & Loren can help. Our experienced lawyers represent clients in auto accident cases and can assist you in getting the compensation you deserve.
Don’t let the stress of an auto accident overwhelm you. Let us help you get the justice and compensation you’re entitled to for your injuries, medical bills, and lost wages. With our expertise, you can focus on healing and moving forward.
Call Goldberg & Loren now and schedule a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys. We’ll guide you through the legal process and fight for your rights every step of the way.

Overview of Auto Accidents
Auto accidents affect millions of people every year in the United States. These accidents can range from minor fender benders to devastating crashes resulting in fatalities and severe injuries.
Roads are shared by cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds, pedestrians, animals, taxis, and other travelers throughout the world. Travel made possible by motor vehicles supports economic and social development in many countries. Yet each year these vehicles are involved in crashes that are responsible for 1.35 million deaths and up to 50 million injuries. Fatal and nonfatal crash injuries are estimated to cost the world economy approximately $1.8 trillion (in 2010 USD) from 2015–2030.
Traffic accidents are also the world’s leading cause of death for children and young adults 5–29 years of age. [1]

Causes of Auto Accidents
Motor vehicle accidents can be catastrophic, and their causes are varied.
Human error is a significant contributor to accidents. These can include lapses in judgment, following too closely, not taking weather or road conditions into account, and more.
In the unfortunate event that an accident does occur, Goldberg & Loren will help navigate the complex process of dealing with insurance companies and seeking compensation for any damages incurred.
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving is a serious issue that leads to many accidents on our roads. One of the leading causes of distracted driving is the use of mobile phones while driving, including texting or browsing social media.
Impaired Driving
Drinking alcohol can also contribute to accidents. Statistics show that alcohol-impaired driving is responsible for a significant percentage of accidents on the roads, with many fatalities resulting from accidents caused by drunk drivers.
There are certain times when impaired driving is more common. In fact, just 23% of crashes involving drivers with a BAC of .01 or higher occurred during the daytime while 67% of DUI-related collisions occurred at night. [4]
Nationally in 2021, BAC was reported for 59 percent of fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers. [5]
If you’ve been involved in a distracted driving accident, seek the help of experienced attorneys at Goldberg & Loren to achieve a fair settlement.
Research shows that the risk of car crashes is almost four times higher for drivers who are distracted by mobile devices compared to those who are not. Research from the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute has found that drivers who are texting while driving are 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash as non-texting drivers.
Dialing a phone is the most dangerous distraction, increasing a driver’s chance of crashing by 12 times, followed by reading or writing, which increased the risk by ten times. [6]
Speeding and Speed Limits
When drivers exceed the posted speed limit, they reduce their ability to react to sudden changes and hazards on the road. They also increase their stopping distance, making it more difficult to avoid collisions with other vehicles or pedestrians. The faster a vehicle is moving, the more energy it has, which means the force of a crash will be greater and can cause more damage and injuries.
Speed limits are set based on the road’s design, traffic density, and the surrounding environment, such as residential areas and school zones. Exceeding the speed limit can cause a driver to lose control of their vehicle, making it difficult to avoid accidents, particularly in areas with heavy pedestrian traffic.
Drivers often need to adjust their speed depending on weather conditions, time of day, and traffic density.
Speeding endangers everyone on the road, In 2021, speeding killed 12,330 people. [7]
Rural Roads and Poor Road Conditions
Rural roads and poor road conditions can be significant contributing factors to auto accidents. According to the Federal Highway Administration, rural roads have a higher fatality rate than urban roads due in part to factors such as narrow roads, lack of barriers, and limited lighting.
Poor road conditions, such as potholes, uneven surfaces, and inadequate signage, can make driving difficult and increase the risk of accidents. In rural areas, these conditions may be more prevalent due to less frequent repairs and maintenance.
Rural roadways may have more curved or winding roads, lack of shoulders, and steep grades, all of which can increase the risk of accidents.
Goldberg & Loren law firm will help you get a fair settlement from your insurance provider.

Common Car Accidents
Rear-end Collisions
These types of accidents often result from distracted or careless driving, such as following too closely or not paying attention to the road ahead. Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you, especially in heavy traffic.
By staying focused on the road and following these simple tips, you can help prevent rear-end collisions and reduce your risk of filing an auto insurance claim.
Head-On Crash
Head-on collisions are one of the most severe types of auto accidents. These accidents are often due to driver error or poor road conditions, and they can happen at high speeds on highways, as well as on local roads.
Even with safety features such as airbags and seat belts, head-on collisions can be catastrophic, as they often result in severe injuries, including broken bones, spinal cord injuries, and head trauma.
Roll-Over Crashes
In a rollover accident, a vehicle tips over and rolls onto its side or roof either due to a driver’s error, such as over-correcting a turn, or external factors such as uneven road conditions.
Larger vehicles such as SUVs and trucks have a higher risk of rollovers due to their higher center of gravity.
Side Impact
Side-impact auto accidents, also known as T-bone accidents, occur when one car collides with the side of another vehicle.
These accidents can cause significant damage and lead to severe injuries, and they are particularly dangerous for occupants on the side of the vehicle that is hit.
The Goldberg & Loren Law Firm works with clients who have suffered serious injuries such as broken bones, head trauma, and spinal cord injuries in side-impact crashes, helping them to recover compensation for medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering.
Our legal team has a wealth of experience in handling auto accident cases, and they understand the complexities involved in proving fault and negotiating with insurance companies. With our skilled team of lawyers, Goldberg & Loren is committed to helping victims of auto accidents get the justice and compensation they deserve.
Automobile Accidents
Case Results
What to Do After an Auto Accident
As accidents are so common, each driver should be knowledgeable and prepared regarding what to do after an accident.
Getting into a car accident can be a stressful experience, but taking the right steps after a collision can make a big difference in ensuring a smooth resolution.
- Contact the police and file an official accident report. This report will document the incident and help to determine fault.
- Exchange insurance information with the other driver. This includes the name of the insurance company and policy number.
- Take pictures of any damage to the vehicles to document the accident.
- File an accident claim with your car insurance company as soon as possible. Your insurance company will review the facts of the accident and work with the other driver's insurance provider to resolve the claim.
- Seek medical attention first, and then contact the attorneys at Goldberg & Loren to help guide you through the process.

In 2021, the types of motor vehicle crash deaths varied across states. For example, Wyoming had the highest percentage of deaths involving SUV and pickup occupants (47 percent) and a relatively low percentage of deaths involving car occupants (18 percent). [10]
What Not to Do After an Auto Accident
- Do not leave the scene of the accident: It's important to stay at the scene of the accident until the authorities arrive. Leaving the scene of an accident can result in legal consequences.
- Do not admit fault: Avoid admitting fault, even if you think you are to blame. Assigning fault is the job of the insurance companies and authorities.
- Do not delay in seeking medical attention: Even if you feel fine after the accident, it's advisable to get a medical check-up. Some injuries may not become apparent until later.
- Do not communicate with insurance companies without an attorney: It's advisable not to talk to insurance companies without the advice of an attorney since they may try to get you to say things that can damage your case.
Based on daytime observational surveys, the nationwide rate of seat belt use among front-seat passenger vehicle occupants in 2021 was 90 percent. California had the highest observed seat belt use for front seat occupants, at 97 percent, while New Hampshire had the lowest, at 76 percent. [10]
Why Hire an Experienced Lawyer
After a car accident, hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer is important when seeking compensation. Without proper legal representation, you could end up with a settlement that is much lower than what you are entitled to or even no settlement at all.
Goldberg & Loren will help calculate the true cost of the accident, including future medical expenses and lost wages, and will negotiate with the insurance company to get you a fair accident settlement.
Filing a Claim
Auto accidents can be overwhelming, and filing a claim for compensation can add to the stress. Knowing what steps to take to ensure that you receive fair compensation for any injuries, vehicle damage, or additional costs incurred as a result of the accident can be difficult.
What if Responsible Party Doesn't Have Insurance?
Being involved in an auto accident can be a stressful experience, but it can become even more complicated if the responsible party doesn’t have insurance. In such cases, it may seem challenging to recover the damages you incurred.
Check your insurance policy to see if you have uninsured motorist coverage. In many states, this is mandatory, and it can help you in situations where the responsible party doesn’t have insurance.
If you have this coverage, you can file a claim with your own insurance provider, who will cover the damages you incurred, up to the limits set by your policy.
It is estimated that 2,549 lives (of people 5 years and older) could have been saved in 2017 alone if all motor vehicle occupants were restrained on every trip. [11]

Have you recently been in an auto accident and need legal help?
Goldberg & Loren helps those who have been injured in auto accidents. With years of experience, our team of lawyers will work tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve.
We understand how stressful and overwhelming an auto accident can be, and we want to help ease the burden. Let us take care of the legal process so you can focus on healing and getting back to your life.
Contact Goldberg & Loren today to schedule a free consultation.
[1] Global Road Safety. (2024, March 4). Transportation Safety. https://www.cdc.gov/transportation-safety/global/?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/global/index.html
[2] Distracted Driving | NHTSA. (n.d.). NHTSA. https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/distracted-driving
[3] State Laws on Distracted Driving – Ban on Hand-Held Devices and Texting While Driving | Bureau of Transportation Statistics. (n.d.). State Laws on Distracted Driving – Ban on Hand-Held Devices and Texting While Driving | Bureau of Transportation Statistics. https://www.bts.gov/content/state-laws-distracted-driving-0
[4] J.D., C. B. (2023, January 23). Car Accident Statistics For 2023. Forbes Advisor. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/car-accident-statistics/
[5] Fatality Facts 2021: State by state. (n.d.). IIHS-HLDI Crash Testing and Highway Safety. https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/state-by-state
[6] Traffic collision – Wikipedia. (2020, October 9). Traffic Collision – Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_collision
[7] Speeding | NHTSA. (n.d.). NHTSA. https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/speeding
[8] Motor Vehicle – Introduction – Injury Facts. (n.d.). Injury Facts. https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/overview/introduction/
[9] Nealon, L. (n.d.). Car Crash Statistics | Bankrate. Car Crash Statistics | Bankrate. https://www.bankrate.com/insurance/car/car-crash-statistics/
[10] Fatality Facts 2021: State by state. (n.d.). IIHS-HLDI Crash Testing and Highway Safety. https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/state-by-state
[11] Seat Belts | NHTSA. (n.d.). NHTSA. https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle-safety/seat-belts#:~:text=About%2050%25%20of%20those%20killed,seat%20belts%2C%20in%202017%20alone.

If you or a loved one was injured in an auto accident you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Contact us to find out if you have a case.
George Goldberg
Senior Partner
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