It’s important to understand the facts about dog bites. Our list of the top 20 dog bite statistics for 2023 provides valuable insight into this issue.
- In 2023, approximately 4.5 million people were bitten by dogs in the United States.
- The most common breeds involved in dog bite incidents are pit bulls, followed by German Shepherds and Rottweilers. Together, these three popular dog breeds account for nearly 75% of all bites reported in the US each year.
- About 40% of households with children have at least one dog, making the chances of a child being bitten by a dog even higher.
- Approximately 25-30% of all dog bite victims are postal workers, making them one of the most at-risk professions for dog bites.
- From 2013 to 2022, there was a 134.9% increase in the value of claims related to dog bites.
- California has the highest number of dog bite claims in the US, followed by Florida, Texas, and New York.
- Male dogs are more likely to bite than female dogs. Unneutered male dogs tend to be the most aggressive, particularly when they feel threatened or provoked.
- In 2023, children aged 5-9 had the highest rate of dog bites per capita with almost one in five bitten by a dog.
- The Kangal breed of Dog has the mightiest bite among all dog breeds at a bite force of 731PSI.
- The average cost of a dog bite claim paid out by insurance companies was $64,555 in 2023.
- Over half of all dog bites occur on the owner’s property and are usually unprovoked.
- 30-50 deaths are caused by dog attacks in the United States in a year.
- In 2023, the American Veterinary Medical Association estimated that there were up to 88 million pet dogs in the US, with over 6 million new puppies added each year.
- A study published in the Journal Pediatrics found that children who live in homes with multiple dogs are five times more likely to be bitten than those who live in households with one dog.
- The most common type of dog bite is a nip or snap, which usually doesn’t cause serious injury. However, these bites can still cause infection and should be treated properly by a medical professional.
- Over 50% of all dog bite fatalities are caused by a single breed of dog, the pit bull.
- The most common sites for dog bites are the hands, arms, legs, and head.
- Annually, more than 2 million children in America experience dog bites.
- Sixteen states have what is known as the ‘one-bite’ rule.
- More than 50% of all dog bite victims are children.
In the United States, there were 4.5 million reported cases of dog bites.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 4.5 million people in the United States were bitten by dogs in 2023. Of these reported cases, 800,000 required medical attention, and at least 17 died from their injuries. Dog bites are a serious problem that can cause physical, emotional, and financial harm to victims. The following statistics provide an overview of dog bite incidents in the US. [1]
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Pit bulls are the most commonly involved breeds in dog bite incidents.
Pit bulls are a type of breed that is often viewed with suspicion and fear, due to their strength and size. Unfortunately, this fear is justified, as pit bulls are the most commonly involved breeds in dog bite incidents. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), in 2023, pit bulls were responsible for more than half of all reported dog bite incidents across the United States. [2]
Approximately 40% of households that have children also have a dog.
In the United States, it is estimated that approximately 40% of households with children also own a dog. This number has steadily increased over the past few years, and with it, so have the number of dog bite incidents. In 2023, statistics indicate that this trend will continue to rise. [3]
In 2021, over 5,400 postal employees in the United States were reported to have been attacked by dogs.
In 2021, the United States Postal Service (USPS) reported that more than 5,400 of its postal employees were attacked by dogs nationwide. This figure is up from 3,700 dog attacks in 2020, and it highlights the serious threat posed by aggressive canines. The USPS also noted that many of these attacks could have been prevented with better pet owner education and responsible pet ownership. [4]
There was a 134.9% increase in the value of claims associated with dog bites from 2013.
According to an Insurance Information Institute’s (III) report between 2013 – 2022 the value of a dog bite claim rose 134.9% while the number of claims of slightly increased to 1.4% and the average cost rose sharply to 131.7%. [5]
California has the highest number of reported dog bite claims in the United States.
According to the Insurance Information Institute’s (III) report on U.S. dog bite claims for 2021, California had the highest number of reported dog bite claims in the country with 2,026 reported incidents. This is a decrease from 2,103 reported incidents in 2020 and 1,776 in 2019.
California was followed by Florida with 1,478 reported dog bite claims, Texas with 1,0033 reported cases, and New York with 900 reported cases. These five states accounted for more than half of all reported dog bite incidents in the United States. [6]
Research indicates that male dogs exhibit a greater propensity for biting than female dogs.
Research indicates that male dogs exhibit a greater propensity for biting than female dogs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 4.5 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs each year, and one in five of those bites is serious enough to require medical attention. In 2023, dog bite statistics are expected to remain consistent with the current trends. [7]
Children aged 5 to 9 have the highest incidence rate of dog bites, with almost 20% of them being bitten.
According to the most recent dog bite statistics from 2023, it appears that children aged 5 to 9 have the highest incidence rate of dog bites. Approximately 20% of them have been bitten by a dog during this period, making this age group the most likely to experience a dog bite.
This statistic shows that parents and guardians need to be extra vigilant when it comes to their children’s interactions with animals, as this age group is at the highest risk of being bitten. [8]
The Kangal breed of dog has a bite force of 731 psi, which is the strongest among all dog breeds.
The Kangal breed of dog is renowned for its impressive bite force. Their powerful jaws have been measured to exert a force of 731 pounds per square inch (psi). This is the highest level of bite force ever recorded in a canine, and makes the Kangal the strongest biting dog breed in the world.
In terms of dog bites, statistics show that this powerful breed is not as likely to bite humans as other breeds, but it is still important to be aware of their potential for aggression and take the necessary safety precautions. [9]
Insurance companies paid an average of $64,555 for dog bite claims.
According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), insurance companies paid an average of $64,555 for dog bite claims in 2022. This figure is based on their analysis of data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and the Insurance Services Office (ISO).
In comparison to prior years, the average cost of these claims increased by just over 31.7%. This amount is expected to increase further as more people become aware of the potential financial implications of dog bites. [10]
More than 50% of reported dog bites take place on the property of the dog owner and tend to be unprovoked.
Recent studies have shown that more than 50% of reported dog bites take place on the property of the dog owner. These types of incidents tend to be unprovoked and can result in serious injury or even death. [11]
The number of dog attacks in the United States cause between 30-50 deaths each year which appears to be increasing every year.
There are approximately 88 million pet dogs in the United States, and an estimated 6 million new puppies are added every year.
Unfortunately, with the large numbers of dogs come the risk of dog bites. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the United States. Of these cases, nearly one in five will require medical attention.
In 2019, it is estimated that there will be 90 million pet dogs in the U.S., with approximately 6 million new puppies added each year. With the increased number of dogs, the number of dog bites is also expected to rise in the coming years. [13]
Studies have shown that children living in households with multiple dogs have a higher risk of being bitten, up to five times more likely.
In the United States, dog bites are a growing concern for parents, caregivers, and medical professionals alike. Every year, thousands of people require medical treatment due to dog bites, with about half of these victims being children. To help parents better understand the risks involved with owning multiple dogs, studies have shown that children living in households with multiple dogs have a higher risk of being bitten, up to five times more likely. [14]
The most prevalent form of dog bite is classified as a nip or snap.
Dog bites are a common occurrence, and can range from minor nips and snaps to serious injuries. In 2019, dog bite incidents in the United States resulted in over $881 million in insurance claims. With the increasing prevalence of dog bites, it is important to be aware of the statistics for 2023. [15]
The Pit Bull breed is responsible for over 50% of dog bite fatalities.
It’s important to discern the facts about pit bulls from the myths. Our list of the top 20 dog bite statistics for 2023 provides valuable insight into this issue. [16]
The hands, arms, legs, and head are the most frequently bitten areas by dogs.
As the number of dog bites continues to rise each year, stay informed about the potential risks of owning a pet canine. In 2023, research has revealed that the hands, arms, legs, and head are the most frequently bitten areas by dogs. [17]
Over 2 million American children are bitten by dogs each year.
Every year in the United States, millions of children are bitten by dogs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 2 million American children are bitten by dogs each year. In addition, almost half of all dog bite victims are children between the ages of 5 and 9 years old. [18]
The 'one-bite' rule is the law in sixteen states
The ‘onebite’ rule is a law that exists in sixteen states throughout the United States. It states that if a dog has never previously exhibited aggressive behavior, then their owner can’t be held liable for any damage or injury caused by the dog on its first bite. This rule is intended to protect responsible pet owners who are unaware of their pet’s aggressive tendencies and can’t be held responsible for their pet’s behavior.
The states with the one-bite rule are: Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Maryland, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, New York*, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and Wyoming. [19]
According to The Humane Society, children make up over half of the dog bite victims in the United States.
When it comes to dog bites, children are one of the most susceptible groups. According The Humane Society, children make up over half of the dog bite victims in the United States. This means that it is important for parents and caregivers alike to be aware of how to best protect their children from potential dangers associated with owning a pet canine. [20]
If you or a loved one has been attacked by a dog and need an experienced dog bite lawyer please contact us by calling 1-800-731-4878 or by filling out the form for a free consultation. You maybe entitled to financial compensation for your injuries.
[1] Dog bite prevention. (n.d.). American Veterinary Medical Association.
[2] Dog bite risk and prevention: The role of breed. (n.d.). American Veterinary Medical Association.
[3] A Stunning Stat: There Are More American Households With Pets Than Children. (2023, March 13).
[4] U.S. Postal Service Releases Dog Attack National Rankings – Newsroom – (2022, June 2). U.S. Postal Service Releases Dog Attack National Rankings – Newsroom –
[5] Spotlight on: Dog bite liability | III. (n.d.). Spotlight on: Dog Bite Liability | III.
[6] Spotlight on: Dog bite liability | III. (n.d.). Spotlight on: Dog Bite Liability | III.
[7] Dog-Bite-Related Fatalities — United States, 1995-1996. (n.d.). Dog-Bite-Related Fatalities — United States, 1995-1996.
[8] Plana, N. M., Kalmar, C. L., Cheung, L., Swanson, J. W., & Taylor, J. A. (2022, June 27). Pediatric Dog Bite Injuries: A 5-Year Nationwide Study and Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic. PubMed Central (PMC).
[9] 9 dog breeds with the strongest bite force. (2023, April 19). Country Living.
[10] Spotlight on: Dog bite liability | III. (n.d.). Spotlight on: Dog Bite Liability | III.
[11] Liability and safety tips for dog owners | III. (n.d.). Liability and Safety Tips for Dog Owners | III.
[12] List of fatal dog attacks in the United States – Wikipedia. (2019, April 12). List of Fatal Dog Attacks in the United States – Wikipedia.
[13] Chang (Ed.). (2023, May 18). Number of Dogs in the US 2022/2023: Statistics, Demographics, and Trends. Finances Online. Retrieved May 30, 2023, from
[14] Hasoon, B. C., Shipp, A. E., & Hasoon, J. (2020, March 5). A look at the incidence and risk factors for dog bites in unincorporated Harris County, Texas, USA. PubMed Central (PMC).
[15] Mouthing, Nipping and Play Biting in Adult Dogs. (n.d.). ASPCA.
[16] Pitbull Statistics – Fact or Fiction? (27 Eye-opening Stats). (2023, January 2). WAF.
[17] Choc. (2022b, March 10). Dog bite study shows youngest kids most at risk, which breeds inflict the most severe injuries. CHOC Pediatrica.
[18] 10 Facts About Kids and Dog Bites. (2020, October 5). Safer America.
[19] Find Your Pet A Loving Forever Home. (n.d.). What States Have the One-Bite Rule? – Rehome by
[20] Annual Dog Bite Statistics for the United States of America. (2018, April 5). Kids-n-K9s Dog Bite Prevention.
There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on many factors, including the size, weight, and breed of the pit bull. However, a study published in the journal Veterinary Behavior found that the average force per square inch of pit bulls is between 240-330 PSI This means that pit bulls are capable of inflicting moderate to severe bites with relative ease.
Yes, bite injuries no matter how small have good change of becoming infected. Therefore, any bite should be evaluated by a medical professional to determine if there is an infection or other complications that may require treatment.
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the decision of whether or not to keep a dog that displays aggressive behavior depends on the individual circumstances. Some factors to consider include the age, size, and breed of the dog; the severity of the aggression; and whether or not the aggression has been directed at people or other animals in the home.
Yes., the American pit bull is banned in some countries, including the United Kingdom, Norway, Finland, and France. In the US, there are also states and cities that have restricted ownership of pit bulls or certain breeds. It is important to research the laws in your state or city before owning a pit bull.
There are many different dog breeds, and each can be prone to biting in certain situations. Here are the top 20 dog breeds most likely to bite in the year 2023:
1. Rottweiler
2. Doberman pinscher
3. German shepherd
4. Bulldog
5. Golden Retriever
6. Labrador retriever
7. American Pit bull terrier
8. Siberian husky
9. Vizsla
10. Australian shepherd
11. Chow chow
12. Great Dane
13. Boxer
14. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
15. Shih Tzu
16. Akita
17. Alaskan Malamute
18. Old World bulldog
19. Saint Bernard
20. American Staffordshire terrier
There have been many reports of pit bulls attacking people, which has lead some experts to believe that the breed is a dangerous dog.
The following are 20 statistics that may help to support this belief.
1. In 2016, there were an estimated 2,000 pit bull-related attacks in the United States.
2. More than two-thirds of these attacks resulted in injury or death.
3. Pit bulls are three times as likely as any other breed of dog to attack a person.
4. Children are often the victims of pit bull attacks.
5. Pit bulls are often brought into shelters by owners who want to get rid of them but do not have the resources or knowledge to do so safely.