Open 24/7 - 365
Open 24/7 - 365

Case Results

We Fight, You Win, They Pay

Verdicts and Settlement

Below are just some ofĀ  the Verdicts and Settlements we have collected for clients just like you all over the United States. In total we have collected over half a billion dollars.

$4.2 Million Verdict

Our client received a jury verdict in his favor. The client was driving a motorcycle when a driver hit and seriously injured him.

$4 Million Verdict

Trucking Accident: Car vs. 18 Wheeler Truck Accident.Ā  While the newspaper articles indicated that our client caused the accident, we proved that the 18 wheeler merged into our clients lane, trapping our clientā€™s vehicle under the truck. Client was a trauma nurse and suffered a head injury.

$3.5 Million Settlement

A settlement was in favor of our client who was struck by a tractor-trailer suffering severe injuries.

$2.8 Million Settlement

Automobile Accident: Charles v. Hanish. This was an unfortunate case where a cab driver was struck by the Defendant while taking two Law Students home from a night at the Beach. Ultimately, a bad faith case was filed, and the case settled against the Defendantā€™s insurance company.

$2.4 Million Settlement

Motorcycle Accident: Car turned in front of clients motorcycle. Facial Fractures, shattered leg.

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