What is an FCE Test?

What Is an FCE Test?

An FCE stands for Functional Capacity Evaluation. It may also be referred to by other names, such as work capacity evaluation or functional capacity assessment (FCA).

It is a test that measures an injured worker’s ability to perform physical job tasks. It includes strength and agility exercises to simulate the ability to sit, stand, lift, walk and climb and uses a rating scale to rate the worker’s ability.

Functional Capacity Evaluation or FCE Test is widely used to help determine if an injured worker can return to work after injuries such as sprains, strains, back injury and other types of soft tissue injuries.

Other than physical disabilities, it may also be used where mental disability is suspected. An FCE test may also be referred to as a functional capacity assessment (FCA) or Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE).

Functional Capacity Evaluation is sometimes recommended by vocational rehabilitation professionals and doctors, but not always required by insurance firms for the return-to-work decision unless the worker’s job has physical requirements that are similar or more strenuous than the medical restrictions.

What You Need to Know Before Taking an FCE Test:

A Work Capacity Evaluation is a special testing technique used to determine the ability of an injured person to return to work.

This kind of test will include strength and agility exercises such as lifting, pushing, pulling, climbing stairs and such others. It also assesses whether or not the worker can handle stressful conditions such as prolonged standing, bending and kneeling over.

The Work Capacity Evaluation is usually done by an Occupational Therapist who will administer the test along with a Job Analyst who will make the final decision on whether the injured worker can return to work. This kind of testing is conducted by occupational therapists (OTs) and physical therapists (PTs).

A detailed history must be taken first before FCE Test is administered. The use of different equipment such as a stadiometer, handgrip dynamometer, and strap test will be used to make the assessment.

In most cases, FCE Test is highly recommended by vocational professionals and doctors but not always required by insurance firms unless the worker’s job has physical requirements that are similar or more strenuous than the medical restrictions.

When is an FCE Test Administered?

An FCE usually takes two visits, the Initial Assessment and Follow-up Evaluation, which may both take a total of two hours. An FCE is usually scheduled at least 3 days apart from the Initial Assessment to the Follow-up Evaluation so that your therapist can properly assess your progress.

An insurance company may ask for an FCE Test if you are still on medical treatment and unable to return to work after a specific period of time has lapsed. This is usually required to start the insurance claim process.

The results of the FCE Test will be used by your attorney or claims examiner to determine whether you are able to return to work and if any limitations are imposed on your assigned tasks.

Can an FCE Test Be Wrong?

Yes, an FCE Test may not necessarily be accurate in the majority of cases. This is especially true with physical disabilities when the tests are conducted by different therapists who have no prior coordination with each other.

If I Believe the FCE Test is Wrong, Can a Lawyer Help Me?

An FCE Test can be challenged in court if you feel that the results may have been tampered. Having a lawyer who specializes in workers’ compensation claims will help you handle questions about an FCE Test and craft your answers to avoid being held liable for any accident while on job.

A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer will fight for the rights of injured workers so they can receive appropriate compensation and benefits. A lawyer specializes in cases involving injuries that happened before, during or after the time you were assigned to work. This includes lawyers who specialize on car accidents, workplace injury claims and defective product cases.

How Much Does a FCE Test Lawyer Cost?

Workers’ compensation lawyers offer free case reviews and no fee unless they win your claim so it is best to talk to them for more information.

What Should I Do if The FCE Test Is Wrong?

If you feel that the results of an FCE Test were inaccurate or that the procedure was mishandled, you should immediately tell your claims examiner about it. You should also file an appeal if your claim is denied but you believe that there might be something wrong with the FCE test results.

Call Goldberg & LorenĀ for more information regarding your FCE test or fill out the form.

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